Our Staff

Amanda & Jeff Hindson

Amanda and Jeff are the new owners of Hobsons Bay Pet Care.
They have a wealth of experience caring for animals of all kinds and previously managed Cosy Cat Cottages in North Williamstown.  Amanda is a qualified vet nurse and a qualified dog groomer and for years has cared for, or hand raised, baby and injured animals.

Michelle Sposito

Michelle Sposito is an amazing asset to Hobsons Bay Pet Care. She has become loved by all the animals in her care for her calm and friendly manner – or is it the roast beef she carries in her pocket?

David Lughermo

David has developed a reputation as a dog whisperer. He is loved by all for his gentle and friendly manner. His control and understanding of dogs is second to none.

Wayne Mead

Wayne Mead is a Newport local who is a client of Hobsons Bay Pet Care turned employee. As we see him most mornings at Newport Lakes, it seemed only natural to give him a few extra dogs to walk. He is also building his own house in Mason Street – but don’t ask him when it will be finished!

Trish Langford

A special mention goes to Trish who started the business 10 years ago and who’s hard work, expert knowledge and understanding of animals has helped establish Hobsons Bay Pet Care as the leading Pet Care business in the Western Suburbs.